Translations Pressreleases

Copyright © 2007-2021 Carin Myrberg

Carin Myrberg - I Revolutionens namn (In Name of the Revolution) The author Carin Myrberg is for the moment working on the third part of the family chronicle. She's also working as an artist, and she's a returning artist at Comic-Con International Art Show in San Diego.

Liberty, equality and fraternity or an absurd melancholy? The best part is that you don't have to choose! In time for this year's book convention Carin Myrberg releases for the first time books at B4PRESS - the book publishing company where the writer makes the decisions.

Myrberg's powerful novel I Revolutionens namn (In Name of the Revolution), part one in a trilogy, is something for you who's interested in historical environments and happenings. It's a juicy family chronicle in revolutionary France about struggle for power, treachery and love. The novel tells about Armand Duboix's experiences during the French revolution, how it starts with good ideals and need for reforms, but soon turns into an internal struggle for power. Duboix takes part in the storming of the Bastille, and in the Revolutionary army. But everyone in the family doesn't share Armand's point of view...

Sink down into the couch, read and enjoy!